bali botanic garden

Bali Botanic Garden Activities & Entrance Fee

Bali Botanic Garden

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Jl. Kebun Raya, Candikuning, Baturiti , Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia , 82191.
Entrance Fee: Rp20.000-Rp30.000 Opening Hours: 08:00-18:00 Contact Number: 0368 - 2033211

Have a serene time while surrounded by pure green in Bali Botanic Garden. A vast area with thousands of collections of plants awaits. Orchids, cacti, and the fern collection yield forest vibes. Flowery plants and bamboo gardens are worth visiting as well.

For adrenaline junkies, Bali Botanic Garden offers an outbound spot to try. Try the flying fox or swing like Tarzan, no one will complain. See how elegant the statues from the Ramayana epic are put as the garden’s frontlines. Another key point is its cool temperature. Sightseers will enjoy strolling through gardens and seeing a thousand collections of plants inside the garden.

Bali Botanic Garden Entrance Fee

The entrance ticket is quite cheap compared to any other attraction in Bali. There is no difference in tickets between local and international tourists. For weekdays, the ticket is Rp20,000, and Rp30,000 on weekends. There’s an additional charge for the car Rp20,000 for tourists who like to explore the Bali Botanical Garden with a private vehicle. However, cars are only allowed on weekends and motorcycles are not allowed inside the premises. Park the vehicle in the garden’s ample parking space.

Bali Botanic Garden Entrance Fee
International Tourist Rp20.000 (weekday) Rp30.000 (weekend)
Car fee Rp20.000 (weekend)
E-scooter Rp35.000
Bicycle Rp20.000

Nearby: Ulun Danu Beratan Temple, Attraction & Ticket.

Bali Botanic Garden Opening Hours

Bali Botanic Garden is open every day from 8 AM to 6 PM. The TreeTop Adventure Park starts a bit later, at 9 AM. The garden even opens during the national holiday. But like any other site in Bali, it closes on Nyepi day. That’s the day when all people in Bali are supposed to stay at home.

Bali Botanic Garden Opening Hours
Every day except Nyepi 08:00 – 18:00

See: Jatiluwih Rice Terrace, Activities & Ticket.

Bali Botanic Garden Cacti Dome

The cacti dome is easy to spot after walking a bit from the entrance. The dome is located at the center and it’s hard to miss the glass dome. Come inside, and see how cacti can even grow in a tropical climate. The cacti don’t even show any difference from the ones living in the wild. Barrel cacti keep sticking on the ground. Another species even comes tall reaching 5 meters.

cactus dome at bali botanic garden
Inside the dome, there is 68 variety of cacti. And some origin from abroad. Img: Wayan

Thanks to the glass greenhouse, all sides of the cacti can receive sunlight. In any case, it’s essential for cacti’ growth. The staff pampers the cacti with enough water though the watering isn’t done every day. With a proper routine check, the ones who need further care can get what’s needed too. So, that’s not a secret that even at a high altitude, cacti can live well.

While inside the dome, people are allowed to take photos with the cacti. Several information boards are useful to learn about the species. Touching the plant isn’t prohibited. But make sure not to botch the cacti.

Orchid House

Just across the cacti dome, there’s an orchid house. This is the house of 300+ orchid species flourishing. One of the orchids species is the Bali endemic Calanthe Baliensis. With its white petal, this species was first found just behind the botanic garden. Which is in the Tapak Hill. Since then, the flower conserves in the garden.

bali botanic garden orchid house
The orchid spot is home to more than 300 orchid species. Img: 林文智

Another orchid nurtured here is the black orchid, originating from Kalimantan. Though its name is the black orchid, the sepal, and petals aren’t black. Only its labellum (lip) has a black dotty pattern on it. Its habitat drastically decreases due to forest fires happening on Kalimantan island. For this reason, Bali Botanic Garden has a black orchid on the conservation site.

To see the orchid bloom, March to June is the right time. Wild and rare species tend to bloom around these months. But, species are blooming all year round. One example is the Vanda tricolor, notable for its colorful and dotty petals.

Medicinal Plants

It’s not a secret that Indonesians often use plants to cure illnesses. Well, Bali Botanic Garden has one in Taman Usada. Taman Usada introduces plants commonly use as medicines. The garden even has 300 species inside. Shortly, there are 15 of them considered rare, derived from Bali itself.

Bali botanic garden picnic spot
Bali Botanical Garden favorite spot for a picnic. The view overlooks Beratan Lake. Img: Idetrips

Find well-known medicinal plants such as fennel, turmeric, ginger, and many others here. Take ginger as an example. The rhizome is great for diabetic patients. As ginger lowers the glucose level quite effectively. While turmeric, once simmered, the water can help to lower cholesterol levels. But of course, this should be taken routinely for greater results.

Fern Garden

Try visiting this garden mostly built on ferns and mosses. At first sight, the garden doesn’t seem to be surreal. But as sightseers walk more, tall ferns build an umbrella that could block sunlight. So the surrounding is dark due to the dense plants. Not only that but there is also a dinosaur statue surrounded by ferns and mosses.

The garden occupies a 2-hectare area, pretty wide to walk in. Inside the garden, there are almost 200 ferns and mosses being conserved. There are plant labels conveying tidbit information about the plant. Some species are endemic to Bali. While others are obtained from other areas.

garden little forest
Among ferns, there a cinnamon trees along the path. Img: Idetrips

Take the fern tree Dicksonia Timorense from Timor Island. This fern has distinct features compared to other ferns under the same genus. Which makes the discoverers take the fern to learn at Bali around 1996. To date, the fern is standing tall in Bali Botanic Garden.

Kumbakarna Statue

Bali never fails to avidly show how Hindu influence is strongly prominent on the island. In Bali Botanic Garden, there are statues from the Ramayana epic. The giant Kumbakarna Laga statue scuffles with monkeys. The statues portray one of the sad scenes of the Ramayana war story.

Despite his scary face and gigantic figure, Kumbakarna is depicted as a kind character. He didn’t agree with his brother’s verdict to start a war. But fate decides another way. He eventually died fighting his brother’s battle. The statue of Kumakarna by far is the guest’s favorite.

kumbakarna statue at bali botanic garden
Kumbakarna statue from the depiction of the Ramayana epic. Img: De Adjuz

A circle stepping ground enables photo hunters to closely stand beside the statue. Besides, the Kumbakarna statue is the biggest one among others, like Rama-Sinta and Ravana-Jatayu statues.

TreeTop Adventure Park

The Botanic Garden doesn’t only have plants and a huge garden as the attraction. Try coming to the TreeTop Adventure Park, located nearby the Kumbakarna statue. Outbound activities are open for all ages (4-70) as the place claims. Seven circuits are to offer specialties in each circuit.

Compare one to another first, and choose one which feels easy to tackle. Each circuit comes with a certain rule about minimum height and eligible ages. Of course, one circuit differs from another in terms of difficulties.

Squirrel yellow and green circuits are for children aged 4-6 with a minimum height of 95cm. Then comes green, orange, and blue circuits for kids around 6-8 years and 110-120 cm minimum height.

treetop adventure park
Bali treetop adventure park outbound activities for children and adults. Img: pangeran

For adults, dare to try the adrenaline black circuit. Breathtaking jumps, up to 160m flying fox, and Tarzan Jump are worth conquering. Not just adult, children over 12 years old with 140 cm height is allowed too. Don’t worry about safety. Each visitor will receive safety equipment including harnesses, carabiners, and pulleys following the ticket payment.

On average, finishing all challenges in child-friendly circuits take around 1.5 hours. While adult circuits take 2.5 hours. But of course, that depends on the person’s agility. As for the entrance fee, adult visitors are charged US$25 and US$16 for children.

Cycling & Electronic Scooter

To sum up, there are several ways to roam the vast botanic garden. First, for guests arriving with a car, with an extra fee, the vehicle is allowed to enter Bali Botanic Garden. For guests coming with a motorcycle, the choice is to explore the garden with a bicycle, electronic scooter, or walk.

bicycle available for rent
Bicycle rent for Rp20.000. Img: Idetrips

The bicycle and the e-scooter spot are right after the entrance gate. For a bicycle, the ticket to ride one is Rp20.000 and guests are free to roam around the garden. A bit different than the e-scooter. There will be a guide escorting a scooter to explore the garden. While the ticket is Rp35.000 for a trip.

See: Guide To Explore Banyumala Twin Waterfall, North Bali.


Along with the endless view of greens, the facilities here are good enough. Toilets are available at the entrance and a few on the gardens. Generally, it’s scattered in a wide area. However, just like other toilets in tourists destination, it’s not that well-maintain.

Laying at such an altitude makes the weather quite cold. Occasional rain may come through. However, shelters aren’t that many. That’s why always prepare umbrellas and/or raincoats. The garden doesn’t rent out these.

In terms of food and beverages, well, there is a small cafe in The TreeTop Adventure Park. Taman Usada has one as well. Aside from that, restaurants are hardly found. Nearby the parking space, vendors are selling out snacks and cold drinks.

See: Indonesian SIM Card Guide For Tourist, Price & Coverage.

How To Get To Bali Botanic Garden

Going here from Lovina Beach takes 30 km or around 1 hour. If departing from Lovina Beach, head to Singaraja-Gilimanuk Street first. Then the route goes following the route of Singaraja Gilimanuk street-A.A. Pandji Tisna street-Kemuning street-Bangkiang Sidem street.

From there find the way to Raya Pancasari Street. After around 6 km take the right turn for Pancasari-Baturiti Street. Still, continue the journey for another 6 km. Once the travelers find Pura Pajapati on the left side of the road, turn right. Take another kilometer to reach the premises.

The online map is trustable but never hesitate to ask the locals. Just ask the locals how to go to Bedugul. Since the garden is located around that area. To go there, riding a scooter or renting a car is by far the most comfortable. Having someone to drive there will provide visitors with more comfort. But of course, one will need more bucks to spend.

See: Bali Airport Guide & Public Transportation List.

Address & Location

Bali Botanic Garden location is nearby the famous Ulun Danu Beratan Temple in Jl. Kebun Raya, Candikuning, Kec. Baturiti, Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali 82191.

One comment

  1. 4 nights 5 day’s accommodations in 4 star hotel with sightseeing including transportation for 28 paxs including Breakfast lunch and dinner

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